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ABC's Of 3rd Grade

Always check here to find answers to many common questions about our classroom.

Attendance: It is very important that all students attend school and be on time.  It is understandable that some Doctor appointments and family emergencies due occur. Please make sure your student receives their make up work when they return from any absence from school. 
Bathroom: The class will take several group breaks during the day. In addition students are allowed to take a break during recess.  Students will be given a ticket for one additional break in the morning and afternoon.  These tickets can be redeemed whenever the student needs as long as it is not a time of direct instruction.
Birthdays: Do we celebrate birthdays? Of course we do! You may send in cupcakes or other small treat to be shared with our class for your child's birthday.
Birthday Invitations: Can I pass out party invitations at school?
Yes you can if they are for the entire class or "for the boys/for the girls".
Book Orders: About once a month students will bring home book orders from Scholastic.  This is a great opportunity for students to purchase quality reading material at a reasonable rate.  Your purchases through Scholastic Book orders are the main way I am able to stock our classroom library with teacher bonus points. 
Box Tops For Education: Save any box tops found on many General Foods, Betty Crocker, and Pillsbury items!  These are worth 10 cents each to our school library.  It is best to send them in to school in groups of 10. 

Cambell's Soup Labels:  Yes our school collects soup labels for Education! The labels help our PE coach earn equipment for the gym.
Communication: Every parent is encouraged to communicate any needs, concerns, or general information with me.  You may contact me through my school email or note. 
Conferences: Parent teacher conferences are scheduled twice a year. However, there may be times that a conference is necessary to discuss student achievement.  I try to schedule any conferences during my planning period or right after school. 

Cursive: Students will be learning cursive hand writing first semester.  Second Semester students will be expected to write legibly in cursive.
Dismissal: Student dismissal starts at 3:00.  Please do not check your student out after 2:45 unless it is an emergency.
Discipline: Students are expected to follow our classroom and school expectations.  Should a problem arise, students will sign the behavior notebook.  9 week behavior grades are based upon the amount of notebook signs for the 9 weeks.
0-7 Outstanding
8-14 Satisfactory
15-21 Needs Improvement
22 or more Unsatisfactory
Emergencies: Please make sure all contact information is correct in the office.  It is disheartening to have a hurt or sick student and not be able to reach anyone.
Fast Break:  A short mid morning break for students.
Friday Treat: Students that do not have more than 1 notebook sign for the week will receive Friday Treat.  This treat is up to teacher discretion.

Grading:  All papers will have a number over a number.  This represents the number correct over the number possible.
Good Choices: Your student is responsible for making good choices every day.  Students will be held accountable for the choices they make. 

Homework: Math homework will be assigned each Tuesday and due Wednesday.  If a student does not arrive at school with their homework they will take a notebook sign. Students may return their homework on Thursday with 5 late points deducted, and on Friday with 10 late points deducted.  Any work not returned by Friday will receive a zero.

Incomplete Work: Students are expected to complete school work at school.  Any incomplete work will be collected and graded.  Students will take a notebook sign for each incomplete assignment per day.  Also parents will be notified that their student had an incomplete assignment.

Jobs: 2 students are picked daily to be helpers. 

Journals:  Students will write in their journal daily.  Monday thru Friday I assign a journal topic.  Fridays are "FREE CHOICE FRIDAY" and students may write about what they choose.

Keeping Up To Date:   Always check the weekly Newsletter or our Website to stay up to date on the most current happenings at school and in our class.

Late Work: All work is expected to be completed during the school day it was assigned.  Should a student turn in work after the expected day it is considered late and points will be deducted and a notebook sign will be given.
Library: Mrs. Miller is very concerned about library books being returned on time each week.  Make sure your student knows their library day and brings back their book. Students may go to the library before school, lunch recess, or at 3:00 to check out different library books in addition to their normal library day.
Lunches: You are welcome to eat with your student. However, please limit the extra student "guests" that eat with you and your child to 1. 

Make Up Work: Students that miss one or two days of school will receive their make up work upon return to school.  Parents may call the school to request make up work if their student will miss more than 2 days of school due to illness or injury.
Money:  Please make sure you send any money to school in an envelope with your child's name. Also list the purpose (ie lunch, field trip ect.)
Monday Papers:  Your student will bring home graded papers, spelling list, school notes, and weekly behavior each Monday.  Please sign and return the folder but keep the papers.
Morning Work: Each morning the students are expected to pick up a Daily Language Review.  These are to be completed by activity.  Daily Language Review is graded and corrected in class.  Every Friday the students will take a DLR (Daily Language Review) Quiz over the week's review lessons. 

Newsletter:  Every Monday (Or first day of school after a break) "Thompson Times" will come home with graded papers.  Please take time to read and take note of important events in our classroom.  Student behavior for the previous week will be posted on the folder.  Please sign and return to school the next day.

Parties: Our class will have a Christmas and Valentine Party.  In addition, we will have an end of the year party. 

Questions:   If you have any questions please feel free via email or send a note.

Recess: Students get one recess per day.  Students are taken outside weather permitted.  Please send your student to school dressed for the correct weather so they may be comfortable and enjoy their free time.

Report Cards:  Report cards are sent home at the end of each 9 week grading period. 

Sick: Please don't send your child to school if they are sick. This spreads germs to others.  (This includes a fever.)  If your student is sent home with a fever, they are not to return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours.
Snack: Students are allowed to bring a healthy snack to eat in class every day. 
Spelling Test: Pretest are given on Thursday. Any student that makes 100 on Thursday will not have to retest on Friday.  In addition, students that make 100 on Thursday will receive 5 bonus points.If a student is absent on Friday they will receive their pretest score. If a student is absent on Thursday, they will be expected to test on Friday.
Supply List: All supplies for our classroom are covered by the Student Supply Fee.
Supplies: All students should respect and take care of the classroom supplies. 
Tardies: Students that arrive after the bell has sounded need to stop by the office and check in. The office will issue a "tardy" slip to any student that arrives late.
Transportation: School policy is for student to go home the way we have on record. If you want your child to change the way they will go home please send me a note or call the office to inform them of the change.  This prevents any confussion for teachers and your child.


Volunteers: Yes we can use you! I always need parent volunteers throughout the year.  Please let me know when you are available and how you would like to help.

Water Bottles: Students are allowed to have a water bottle at their table as long as it is clearly marked with their name and has a tight fitting lid.
Weather: Any school closings will be posted on the district web page as well as released to the major television stations.


Yellow Notes: This is also called a Notice of Concern.  Please discuss your studnet's choices for the day then sign and return to school the next school day.  If the notice is not returned, students will miss their recess. 

ZZZ: Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep.  Students have a difficult time focusing and doing their best they are tired. 

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